This is caused by too many failed login attempts.


First and foremost, make sure that you are using your company login URL (ending in and NOT your POS/borrower portal URL (ending in If you are attempting to log in through the POS, your credentials will not work, and using Forgot Password will not work either--since the system will be looking for a borrower account with your info, not a user account.

When you get this message when logging in through your company login URL, you are immediately sent an email with a link to unblock your account and allow you to log in. This email comes from our security provider Auth0, not ARIVE, and may be filtered as spam by your email provider.


After clicking the link to unblock your account, you will be able to log in successfully. If you need to reset your password, click the "Forgot?" link above the password field on your login screen and follow the instructions.

If your email provider blocked this email entirely and you cannot find it in your spam folder, you can just go back to the login screen and use the "Forgot?" link above the password field on your login screen and follow the instructions to reset your password, after which you will be able to log in.