You can set fees to automatically populate into new loan files.

In the Company Settings > Closing Costs tab, Company Admins (and Branch Admins in the Branch Settings > Closing Costs tab) can set and manage fees that populate automatically in loans, and set defaults for some fees based on lender when using manual lenders.

When using Integrated Lenders, their fees will populate directly from the lender through the integration, but the other fees will populate based on what you have configured here.

See: Adding Lenders in ARIVE for how to add default fees for Manual Lenders.

To edit an existing fee, click on it's name. To copy or delete a fee, click the "..." action menu button on the right side.

Use the Select Lender dropdown to show the selected lender's fees along with the default fees you are editing. Integrated Lenders' fees will be automatically populated. Manual Lenders' fees can be edited in your Company Settings > Lenders tab.

Click +Fee to create a new fee.

Pick the fee type, section of the fee sheet it belongs in, what name you want it to display, set the amount, and set the criteria for when you want the fee to apply.

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