Client Needs are requests for your borrower to provide information, documents, or eSignatures through the POS. You can request an eSignature from your borrower and/or other individuals by creating an eSign Client Need.

1. Navigate to the loan > Client Needs.

2. Click +Client Need

3. Click +Need.

4. Select your preferred option of Select from List or Custom Need.

 Select from List

        1. Locate and click on your need by using the search field or scroll through the needs list.

        2. Select your need by clicking on the item.

 Custom Need

        1. Leave Custom Document selected and select the Category.

        2. Enter your Need Title and Description.

        3. Click Add Need

5. For Select Need Type, select Getting Client's Signatures.

6. Select or unselect your recipients using the checkbox to the left of the borrower's name.

 Invite Borrower 

If the borrower(s) haven't been invited to the loan, Invite Borrower will appear in red next to the borrower's name. You can click Invite Borrower and follow the prompts to invite the borrower prior sending the eSign request without navigating from this screen. 

 External Link

When the External Link toggle is turned on, the borrower will have the option to eSign the document through the email's Sign Now button/link. The borrower will still be able to log into the POS and eSign the document from the Task List. 

If the External Link toggle is turned on, the email located via the loan > ... > Email Logs or profile icon > User Settings > Email Tracking will not show the email contents. 

7. Add any additional recipients using +Recipient, +Business Contacts, and/or +Loan Team.


Click +Recipientto add an external recipient. 

Enter the required information including Email, First Name, and Last Name. Phone is an optional field. 

 +Business Contacts

Click +Business Contacts to add a Business Contact. 

Business Contacts assigned via the Loan Center will populate in the list. Click the checkbox to the left of the contact's name to select the contact and click Save.


 +Loan Team

+Loan Team to add a Loan Team member. 

Loan Team members assigned via the Loan Center will populate in the list. Click the checkbox to the left of the Loan Team member's name to select the contact and click Save.

8. Select Attach Existing or Upload Now.

 Attach Existing

The Attach Existing option will allow you to select a document from the Documents section to the eSign request.

Click Attach Existing.

The search field and filters at the top will help you in locating your document. Select your document by clicking the checkbox to the left of the document name. 

Click Attach in the lower right corner to attach the document to the eSign request.

 Upload Now

The Upload Now option will allow you to select and upload a document from your device to the eSign request.

Click Upload Now.

Drag and drop the document from your device or click Click to upload to open the file explorer on your device and select your document from the file explorer. 

Click Upload in the lower right corner to upload the document to the eSign request.

9. Click Setup eSign

10. Use the tools on the left to add fields to your document. 


Signature will allow you to add a signature field for the signer. 

Each signer will be associated with a different color. You can click on the signature field and use the Signed By dropdown to select a different signer. 

11. After you have completed the editing of your eSign document, click Save

12. Edit the Description / Message to client as needed. 

13. Click Save Only or click Preview & Send

  • Save Only will save the eSign request to your Client Needs to be sent out at a later time and/or with other Client Needs. 
  • Preview & Send will allow you to preview the email and send the eSign Request. Click Send in the email preview window to send the document.