Introduced MISMO bulk import functionality to streamline and enhance Loan creation process. (HOT-19807)

A new functionality has been introduced to bulk import MISMO loan files by drag-and-drop or direct upload from the system. Users can now efficiently upload and process multiple MISMO files simultaneously.

  • A maximum of 20 loan files can be imported in one batch upload.
  • File import has been enhanced with detailed status tags, including: Ready, Loan Already Exists, Duplicate, Invalid File, Cancelled, Failed: Server Error, Queued, and Imported. These tags provide clear visibility into the import status of each file.
  • Upon batch upload completion, an email is sent to the loan team with the file name, status, loan ID, and any errors if present.

New screen to handle Pre-Approval letter generation and Access level settings for Realtor/POS portal. (HOT-24432)

Replaced the 'PreApproval' button with a new menu option, 'Pre Approval,' for purchase loans, which includes two sections:

Pre-Approval Letter:

  • This section allows users to view the pre-approval letter once it is generated, i.e., after the loan status is updated to 'pre-approved' or higher. Users can set the pre-approval template, specify the expiry date, and download, edit, or send the letter.

Pre-Approval Settings:

  • Set Limits: A new feature, 'Fetch from Loan,' has been introduced, allowing users to set limits based on values present in the loan.
  • Add Agent or Borrower: A new button enables users to invite or set access levels for business contacts or the primary borrower. Users can also create and add new real estate agents and transaction coordinators to the loan using this functionality. Additionally, a button has been introduced that redirects to the realtor portal.

Enhanced Borrower/App/Doc status on tooltip. (HOT-23849)

The tooltip for borrowers has been enhanced with a new design to improve the clarity and understanding of information. This enhancement has been implemented across multiple areas, including Loan Pipeline, Lead Pipeline, Business Contacts, Global Search, and Contract Processing.

Following status are mapped to borrower are as 

  • Not invited
  • Invite sent - Full App/Docs Only
  • After accepting invite -> POS app : grey circle with progress
  • Application submitted
  • Needs Pending
  • Needs In-Review
  • Needs Accepted

LOS: Enhanced navigation experience with the addition of Keyboard Shortcuts . (HOT-23211)

We have implemented shortcut keys for the LOS header, which will improve the overall user experience and make navigation to various sections more fluid.

New Lead source added as Referral - Internal. (HOT-23578)

We have introduced a new lead source “ Referral - Internal ” under company settings in Lead Management which will inherit in loans and encompass all company users listed under Referral contact in Loan and Lead.

Revenue Reports: Include loans which are Locked/Expired, instead of funded (HOT-24322)

Previously, loans with a status of 'Loan Funded' or later were included in Revenue Reports. This check has now been removed.

With this update, Revenue Reports will now include loans that are locked or expired, instead of only those that are funded.

POS - Add Spanish toggle on Login, Register & Forgot Password pages. (HOT-23057)

The 'Enable Spanish' button is now available on the following POS screens: Set New Password (when opening the verification link), Create Account, Sign In, Forgot Password, Check Your Registered Email for the Reset Password Link, Select Loan Purpose, Property Info, and within the Loan Application

Disclosures: Add field for AUS Case ID with ability to Override. (HOT-24053)

A new field, ‘AUS Case ID,’ has been added to Disclosure Forms > Other Considerations. This field displays the AUS case ID from the Dual AUS screen based on the selected finding (DO vs. LPA).

Default Population Conditions for AUS Case ID in Other Considerations:

  • If no AUS is run (DU/LPA), the field remains blank.
  • If DU is run, the DU case ID is populated.
  • If LPA is run, the LPA case ID is populated.
  • If both DU and LPA are run and no selection is made from Dual AUS, the DU case ID is populated.
  • If both DU and LPA are run and a selection is made, the selected case ID is populated.


  • When the AUS Case ID is entered manually, it will display the manual ID only, regardless of the selection on the Dual AUS page.
  • Once the AUS Case ID is entered, it cannot be cleared (similar to the Disclosure Loan # field).

Pipeline Reports: Add more parameters into filters. ( HOT-24508 & HOT-24968 )

  • The new filter attributes have been added to Pipeline Reports: LTV, DTI, FICO, PMI, and Occupancy.
  • Loan Program' has been renamed to 'Mortgage Type' in Pipeline and Revenue Reports.
  • Add Report: Upon landing on the select filter view, the filter dropdown will automatically open for user selection.
  • The message has been updated to 'Please add a filter to see a preview of report data,' accompanied by a '+ Add Filter' button that opens the first filter dropdown. This change has also been applied to the Revenue Report.
  • The filter 'Has MI' has been renamed to 'PMI.
  • The default operator for DTI has been set to 'Less Than.

Initial Fee Worksheet: Move Points fee to top and sort alphabetically in each section. (HOT-24415)

As part of this update, fees are now sorted alphabetically across review fees, IFW, quotes, and closing costs. Point fees will always appear at the top.


  • Grouped fees within any section will be displayed before non-grouped fees.
  • The Aggregate Adjustment Fee will always be shown at the bottom.
  • 'Estimated Funds to Close' and 'Estimated Proposed Monthly Housing Expense' are calculated manually from fee sections, so they will not be sorted according to the alphabetical logic outlined above.

Show all TPPs that are "Linked via org" as well as those from user's "My Team". (HOT-24701)

As an enhancement, all Contract Processor (CP) users—whether from 'My Team' or linked via a CP organization—will now be displayed in Manage CP in Loan Center under File Contacts.

UWM Mismo Update: Income and Employer. (HOT-21100)

UWM Integration: Provided users with the option to create, update, or delete Income and Employer information based on the UWM MISMO update.

UWM Mismo Update: Update Loan registration status to 'Manually Registered'. (HOT-23541)

Following the recent Mismo update, the lender registration status will be adjusted to 'Manually Registered'. Previously, within the Arive UI, this status remained as 'Unregistered'.

Revamp Credentials UI in settings. (HOT-22951)

The Order Credit Credential UI in Company Settings has been revamped to enhance the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) with the following changes:

  • The delete account message has been updated to: 'Performing this action will delete the credit account "Meridian Demo Credit". Are you sure you want to continue?' This replaces the previous message: 'Account will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
  • The 'Edit' button for User/Branch/Company Settings has been removed, allowing users to edit credentials by clicking anywhere inside the box.
  • A 'Delete' button has been added when editing credentials in User/Branch/Company Settings.
  • The 'Set as Default' option is no longer displayed when the first credentials are added, as they are automatically set as default.
  • Upon adding a second set of credentials, a 'Set as Default' checkbox will be displayed.

User Account Management Permission Support. (HOT-24688)

A new configuration has been added to the Company settings under 'User Management Settings', which will provide Owners and Company Admins with the option to restrict Branch Admins and Associate Admins from managing users.


Automation Rule: New Fields added (Lien Position & CRM Reference ID) (HOT-23993)

Introduced two new fields, 'Lien Position' and 'CRM Reference ID,' in the Automation Rules configuration. These fields are now available for use in Triggers and Criteria. Additionally, 'CRM Reference ID' will be included in the Action: Required Fields.

Automation Rule: Updated main Branch name in Branch criteria options. (HOT-24965)

For the rule criteria 'Branch,' the parent branch—identified by the parent company name followed by '(corporate)'—will be displayed at the top of the list. The remaining branches will be sorted in alphabetical order below it.

Pricing Engine: Allow editing 'Other Closing Cost' fee in a quote. (HOT-23690)

The 'Other Closing Costs' field in Quotes is now editable and can be updated while generating a quote.

Support only Initial in E-sign. (HOT-24782)

As an enhancement to eSign, users can now generate documents with only initials without needing to set up eSign.

Editor > Support Youtube shorts URL in videos. (HOT-21735)

As part of the Editor enhancement, support for YouTube Shorts has been added to Editor templates. This update will be reflected in both the preview and emails.