HOT-14739 PowerTPO onboarding.

PowerTPO is now part of ARIVE Market Place as an Integrated Lender. PowerTPO is  approved Brokers in ARIVE can now access their top-notch products and competitive pricing.

HOT-15009 Arive Internal Forms: Updated form 92900 (HUD Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application).

Updated form 92900 i.e HUD/VA Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application to HUD Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application in Arive Internal Forms.

HOT-15716 LPA: Updated Purchase eligibility for Government Loans(FHA/VA).

As per LPA updates, for VA/FHA Loans if the eligibility is either null or FreddiMacEligible and the Recommendation is Acceptable, then we will show Accept/Eligible with a green color tick instead of an orange color tick.

HOT-15523 Show status date on the pipeline view when on hovering.

Hovering on Status on Loan Pipeline system will show Status date.

HOT-15522 Change default on custom needs to custom documents.

Updated default for creating a custom need from "Ask a Question" to "Custom Document".

HOT-15067 Handle Escrow amount with respect to  Proposed monthly payment.

System will include the specified Proposed Monthly Amount of Homeowners Association Dues and Other to be sent as not Escrowed to Doc-magic on generating the disclosures.

HOT-15545 Issue with Realtor Portal.

Fixed: Duplicate contacts issues with Realtor Portal.

HOT-15297 Handle special characters and html tags in email subject.

Fixed: Special character handling on email subject.