Currently, Twilio integration is available to Company Admins, Branch Admins, and LOs

If you don't have a Twilio account, you can easily create one at 

Once verified, you will be redirected to your setup page. Choose the following options:

• Select "SMS" as the product you want to use.

• Choose "Alerts & Notifications" as your intended use.

• Select "With no code at all" as your preferred method.
• Specify "3rd party integration" as your objective.

Click on "Get Started with Twilio" to access your Twilio dashboard.

In your Twilio dashboard, locate and click on "Get phone number" to generate a toll-free phone number.

Twilio SMS Integration with ARIVE

Once you have set up your Twilio account, you can integrate it with ARIVE by following these steps: 

1. Open your ARIVE account and navigate to User Settings > Email/SMS Config

For Company Admins and Owners: If you are responsible for setting up SMS integration, you can configure it in Company Settings > Email/SMS Config. 

The Company Admin also has the ability to determine whether credentials can be set at the user level by enabling the "Allow Loan Officers to add personal Twilio account" setting.

2. Enter the following information from your Twilio dashboard: 

• Twilio SID

• Twilio Auth Token

• Twilio Phone Number 

Click "Verify" to confirm and authenticate your credentials. Then Click "Save" to complete your configuration. 

Note: If credentials are set in both Company Settings and User Settings, preference will be given to user level credentials.

For Loan Officers: If you find that your Twilio integration screen is grayed out, please contact your Company Admin to request access approval.

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