HOT-11199 - Arive E-Sign: Support publicly e-sign functionality.
- ARIVE e-sign has expanded its signature capabilities to include Loan Officer Assistants, Processors, Business Contacts, and External recipients, in addition to the LO and Borrowers.
- These users can sign via an external ARIVE E-Sign link without needing to create an account or log in. This functionality can be turned off via a toggle button when sending out the request.
- By default, E-sign requests will be sent via the publicly available ARIVE E-Sign link to Business Contacts and External recipients. For client needs, modifying the recipients will reset the e-sign setup and prompt a message to “Resetup e-signature for all recipients”.
- When sending a request, an email preview will not be visible to external recipients.
- After sending the need to users, we offer the option to resend the request. However, if a user has already signed the document, we will remove them from the list to avoid confusion. Furthermore, the "Resend Need" option will be disabled after all e-signs have been completed.
- When a user receives an external link, they can click on it to sign the document. After signing, they can view and download the certificate, as well as view the signing history.
- If a user is deleted or deactivated after receiving an external link, the link will expire and display an "invalid token" message.
- Users such as an LO, LOA, Processor, and Contract Processor can sign the document via ARIVE E-sign or DocuSign by using LOS, while Borrowers can use POS to sign through ARIVE E-sign or DocuSign.
HOT-11012 - Multiline support in a textbox inside e-sign.
- We added support for multiline textboxes for Arive e-sign.
HOT-13099 - POS: Lead creation from Point of Sale.
- We enabled POS users to create leads without needing to create an account.
- We also added a "Get Quote" button on the borrower portal. Upon clicking, users will be prompted with certain questions, and based on their answers, a lead will be created in LOS.
- The lead configuration in LOS will include required questions that are necessary to generate leads. The lead configuration feature is available at the user, branch, and company levels. Please note that this is a pro-plan feature and will only be accessible to pro-plan users.
To Enable Public Lead Capture go to settings > Lead Form Config > Enable toggle "Get Quote".
HOT-13850 - Change conditionality for Positive Rental History Indicator. (LPA 5.3.0)
Positive rental history in the FHA loan info screen will be sent to DO and LPA and is a required field now for FHA loans.
HOT-13795 - Real Estate -> Collect accessory unit count and monthly payment. (LPA 5.3.0)
- We have added a new field called "Accessory Dwelling Unit Count" to the Loan and Property as well as Financial Information sections under REO.
- For Conventional loan programs, the ADU Count will be sent to LPA. The fields in the LPA/DU export will display the "Accessory Dwelling Unit count."
- Additionally, we now submit the ADU count to LPA/DU when rental income from an ADU is present.

HOT-13724 - Remove duplicate income type warning in case of LPA.
(LPA 5.3.0)
- As per new LPA guidelines, LPA will be accepting multiple incomes with the same data type.
HOT-13675 - Add Loan Role and primary API fields to Loan Team in ZAPIER
Added the following fields in ZAPIER(GET loan details)
- Loan-Role - loanTeamUser1_loanRole
- Primary User - loanTeamUser1_primary
HOT-13232 - Make Trackers Status Editable for Read-Only Loan.
- In the Loan Center Workflow Trackers, Users are now able to add Dates, Notes and change the status for trackers when the loan is read-only.
- The rate lock pop-up will stay disabled when the loan is read-only.
HOT-12279 - Sync Closing Cost fees at the branch level from main company settings.
- We provided an option to sync fees at the branch level with the main company. Users can update the closing cost fee at the branch level with the main branch.
HOT-11793 - Allow Alphanumeric characters in Account Id under DocMagic Secrets input popup.
- Users can now enter alphabetical and numeric characters for Doc Magic ID/Account ID in Doc-magic login via credentials and Disclosure view.
HOT-11279 - Loan Status Dates should be in chronological order on Audit & Dates
- All the statuses and dates must be in chronological order.
- Chronology does not apply to Re-Submittal and Adverse statuses.
- The same dates can be entered for two statuses one after the other.
- This change will not affect older loans.
HOT-11279 - Updated welcome email text with onboarding and training videos.
Updated welcome email text with multiple links to training and onboarding videos.

HOT-9979 - LOS mobile (Dual AUS)
- Users have a Dual AUS screen available on the mobile version of ARIVE.
HOT-14184 - Error in decimals on IFW.
Fixed: Decimal values for property taxes after downloading the Initial Fee Worksheet.
HOT-14010 - The business contact filter on the loan pipeline shows the same contact type group multiple times.
Fixed: Duplicate contacts groups in the business contact filter on the loan pipeline.
HOT-14009 - The user license is not printing on PDF.
Fixed: User license number should be printed on quote pdf.
HOT-13939 - Update nonDelSettings with the default value (Broker)
Fixed: Default pricing as Broker in Non-Del Setting while creating a new org(Broker/Nondel).
HOT-11373 - VA Certification of Benefits - Esign errorFixed: Radio button selection issue for VA certification of Benefits form.
HOT-7326 - LOS: FHA: When we change MI from MI card, the amortization schedule is reflected incorrectly:
Fixed: MI card reflected correctly after changing the value from the result screen & IFW.
HOT-14376 - Timezone issue in date fields for ARIVE Internal disclosure forms
Fixed: Date issue in Arive internal disclosure forms.