HOT-13716 - Collect Foreign Addresses.
Users can now enter the state for countries other than the US in :- Borrower info → Current/Previous/Mailing address
- Financial info → Employment Income/REO
- Lead → Current address
- POS → Borrower address, Employer address, REO, Review and submit screen.
If the Country selected is the US then the state dropdown will be displayed else we will show an input box. By default United States will be shown at the top.
HOT-14029 - Mark all details of the Credit Card Required on Order Credit UI
All the fields of the Credit Card are now required on the Credit Order view.
HOT-13716 - Calculate MI percentage if not present on generating package with Doc Magic.
MI rate per cent and premium should always be calculated at time export.
MI rate per cent must always be present in the XML for all cases i.e. Manual/System/Calculated MI.
For FHA loans MIRatePercent is calculated with AverageOutstandingBalance else NoteAmt.
UpfrontMI is sent only for FHA loans.
HOT-13968 - Pipeline Reports: timezone for lock expiration date and Archive Indicator.
Pipeline report will now show:
- Lock expiration date with timezone in the exported report
- The archive indicator will show TRUE for archived loans else FALSE.

HOT-14024 - VA Loan Clone VA use type.
Fixed: Cloning a VA loan with a VA use type as subsequent and applying product to cloned loan changes the VA Use type to first time.

Fixed: Cloning a VA loan with a VA use type as subsequent and applying product to cloned loan changes the VA Use type to first time.
HOT-13885 - Leads: SSN field becomes non-editable on discarding any changes on UI
Fixed: Non-editable issue for SSN fields.
Looking forward to hearing your feedback.