HOT-7835 - Doc Magic - Added Closing Disclosure and Pre-closing Disclosure.
Added two new disclosures as Closing Disclosure and Pre-Closing Package.
Initial Closing Disclosure | EXISTING |
Loan Estimate | EXISTING |
Change of Circumstance | EXISTING |
Closing Disclosure | NEW |
Pre-Closing Package | NEW |
- When generating disclosures, we now show the Disclosure generation date and time. Additionally, E-signed documents now show the date and time of e-signing by the Borrowers/ LO.
- We added an option to Generate UCD on generating Closing disclosure and Pre-closing package in action items. Once the LO has generated UCD it will be available in the Documents section.
- In the Disclosure setup page added below new options :
- The settlement agent (Closing agent/Attorney/Escrow agent/Title agent) is added under Business Contacts
- Assumability Indicator, Servicing Loan, Settlement File #, Trustee (Deed of Trust) and Disclosure loan are added under Miscellaneous Info.
- Disclosure loan(By default it is set as Arive loan number but we can override it manually which will display on the disclosures)
- Qualified Mortgage Type and Exemption Type are added under Qualified Mortgage.
- Inspection Type, Valuation Method Type, and Valuation Form Type are added under Property Inspection.
- In Review fees newly added options are below:
- Under sections B (SERVICES BORROWER CANNOT SHOP FOR) and C (SERVICES BORROWER CAN SHOP FOR), the user can assign a service provider against a fee by clicking on add paid to in front of the fee
- Under Section B (SERVICES BORROWER CANNOT SHOP FOR) user can only enter the service provider manually
- Under Section C (SERVICES BORROWER CAN SHOP FOR) the user gets to choose from a list of 8 service providers
- Before ‘Approved with conditions sections B and C are displayed as SERVICES BORROWER CANNOT SHOP FOR and SERVICES BORROWER CAN SHOP FOR, and for stages later to 'Approved with Conditions sections B and C are displayed as SERVICES BORROWER DID NOT SHOP FOR and SERVICES BORROWER DID SHOP FOR, respectively
- Section F (Pre-paid) and G (Initial escrow payment at closing) added disbursement months for escrow items except for MI and also added Cushion months ( i.e Maximum of escrow months and by default it set as two).
- In Section J under Lender Credits, the user can pass Cure Amount which will be part of Lender credits itself*.*
- When the loan is in a loan stage before ‘Approved with conditions’ Fee will be displayed in the C section, after which the user can select the shopped-for services
- Ability to select Fees which were shopped by the borrower by an indicator in front of the fee in section C
- After the loan is moved to stage 'Approved with conditions' and later, the fee which was not shopped for will get moved to section B automatically
- On generating the CD form for Fees Credit Report Fee and MERS Fee service provider is selected as Credit vendor (ex, Meridian, Credco, etc) and the MERS fee is displayed respectively by default
- In Loan Center and Audit and Dates, new fields are added under the Rate lock popup:
- Rate set date Updated automatically when user do pricing and change note rate
- Rate lock expiry time - The time at which the rate is locked
- Rate Lock Time zone - Time zone in which the date was locked
- Final Closing Date is added to Setup and Contacts, Disclosures and Audit and Dates screens.
- Additional Information captured In Loans and properties:
- Property types Manufactured home and Cooperative
- Manufactured in the construction method, the same dialogue box for the property type and construction method
- The estate will be held in the section on selecting Leasehold
- Note: For the Closing disclosure and Pre-closing package to be displayed in existing old loans where the initial disclosure package/ Loan estimate was already generated and loans were in Approved With Conditions or a later stage, the user has to regenerate the initial disclosure package/Loan estimate.
HOT-13166 - Export MISMO as a zip file.
Users can now export MISMO as a zip file to ensure the integrity of the exported data. This capability was added on the Loan list pipeline and Loan detail view.
HOT-13801 - Loan Details > Add invite type on invite borrower tooltip (Full App, Doc Only)
Invite Type (Full App / Doc Only) is reflected on the Invite Borrower tooltip on the Loan Pipeline view and Loan > Left Panel when Invite is sent to the borrower.
HOT-13558 - TPP should not be automatically assigned from POS Loan applications
When creating Loan via the POS link then Contract Processors who are present in Loan Officer’s Team, will not be copied in Setup contacts-> Loan Team.
NOTE:- If the user adds Contract Processor in Loan via LOS instead of in POS, Contract Processor will show.
HOT-12921 - LPA -> New verification report agencies
Additional report types added to LPA Borrower verification report:
REPORT AGENCY TaxTransript CoreLogic VOE Experian Verify, CoreLogic
VOD Plaid

Experian Verify, CoreLogic
HOT-13815 - Pricing Templates: Adding Purchase Price field in Saved Template
Users are now able to edit and price from the pricing screen and edit the same fields in the Pricing template.
HOT-13134 - Originator compensation fee for non-del
Added a fee for Originator compensation for non-del with ‘--’ as the value for Lender Paid and Borrower Paid compensation.
HOT-13774 - Login > Company logo is getting squeezed
Formatted company logo properly on login screen.
HOT-13582 - Loan info > Processing Worksheet > Entire modal data is not displayed when you click on the print button.
The system now reflects all the necessary information when printing the Processing Worksheet details.
HOT-13969 - Manual Product is showing in disclosure forms instead of Lender Name.
The system now reflects lender's name instead of the product name in disclosure forms.
We lo forward to hearing your feedback.