Our Mortgage Quote comparison feature is great for generating visually appealing quote comparisons to share with borrowers, but did you know that you can do more than just compare different products? You can actually compare entirely different loan scenarios!

After you've ran pricing for your first scenario and checked the box to add a product to the comparison, click anywhere in the loan info bar above the product list to expand it. Then you can adjust the loan amount, mortgage type, term, and many other things to whatever you want the second scenario to be, and click Re-Price.

When you get the pricing results, you will see the Compare button indicating that you still have a product added to it--the one you added from the previous scenario!

You can then check the box to add one of the new product options as well, and click Compare to compare the different scenarios and products! Remember that you can compare up to 3 products at once, so you can set up a different scenario for each one!

You can also compare multiple different Manual Lender products the same way.

After you enter the pricing details for one product and add it to the comparison...

Just click Re-Price, Then enter the pricing details for the second product, and add it to the comparison as well.

And now you have a comparison of two different Manual Products with different pricing details.