Major Feature Enhancements

Custom E-Sign service(Arive) (HOT-7226)

Launched custom e-sign service as Arive e-sign(Pro Plan). 

Users can view history and download certificate for all e-sign documents.

Users can use Arive e-sign service to sign custom forms, needs, Disclosures and Disclosures sets.

Arive e-sign option will only be available at user level. 

Both Arive e-sign and Doc-sign option will be available to users.

Payments fixes and Branch updates. (HOT-8557) (HOT-8877)

Allow branches to purchase subscriptions.

Allowed API Integration and Pro Plan features in branches. 

Non Del self paid users can opt for Non Del and Brokered Plans.

Provided an option to download payment receipts.

Enabled Pro Plan for Trial Users.

Enhanced payment transparency by providing payment breakout to users. 



Advantage Credit, Inc by Credit InterLink Integration (HOT-9656)

Added Credit Interlink for credit order services. 

Users can New Credit Order and Re-issue credit. 

Credit Interlink also provides soft check and Mortgage Only credit options. 

Add Custom Range filter on Loan Pipeline (HOT-8836)

Added custom date range filter on loan pipeline for enhanced filtering options.

Condition: Default Ready documents & add sort functionality. (HOT-8686)(HOT-8687)

By default we will show Ready documents while uploading documents to a condition.

Provided sort option to available documents by Name, Classification, Uploaded Date.

Manual Lender: Clone  (HOT-6647)

Provided an option to clone or copy manual lenders. 

Copied lender will have all properties of parent lender except Mortgagee clause.

Unregister loan on change in Lender. (HOT-9034)

For a registered loan if user changes Lender or product, Arive will unregister loan and remove lender loan number.


Additional Fixes/Enhancements

Enable Audit logs for YSP rules (HOT-10192)

Added audit functionality for Non-Del companies.

Housing Expense: Total Loan Amount added as factor for HOI (HOT-3233)

Download Quote - Added filter options for downloading Quotes (HOT-5151)


DTI popup change (HOT-10006)

Added a warning message incase Housing Expense and DTI are less than zero.

Allow a negative dollar amount for assets in Financial Info screen (HOT-9174)


Add the mortgagee clause in Loan Centre > Loan Details pop out window when clicking the edit link by lock information (HOT-8467)


Display the borrowers/co-borrowers age next to the date of birth field (HOT-8466)

Display the property address in the POS for the borrower (HOT-8483)