Downpayment updates on Purchase price for LOS, POS & Realtor. (HOT-9504)
Downpayment will always be calculated on Purchase Price.
LTV will be calculated as Base Amount / Minimum(Purchase Price and Appraised value)
Warning updated as:
For Conventional : LTV (<=97.00%)
For FHA : LTV (<=96.5%)
For USDA : LTV (<=102.00%)
Hourly income wage calculator for hourly Income. (HOT-9031)
Added hourly income calculator to add base income in LOS and POS
User can calculate monthly income by providing hourly rate and hours per week.
POS: Allow to upload Misc documents without Needs. (HOT-4029)
Borrowers are now able to upload documents before App submission.
ARM: DTI handling with Qualifying Rate. (HOT-8440)
Updated DTI calculations for VA and FHA ARM loans based on Qualifying rate.
Arive will be using Qualifying housing Payment to calculate DTI in case of VA and FHA ARM loans, instead of Proposed Housing Payment.
Ability to link existing client needs with conditions. (HOT-8688)
Users are now able to re use custom client needs later into loan file.
Show ARM applicable information on Disclosure Setup. (HOT-9911)
ARM info such as index, margin, caps will now be shown on Disclosure setup view for users to validate before generating disclosures.
NON DEL: LOS/PPE Margin handling. (HOT-8193)
Show Non Del Margin Adjustments in Los as CMP LLPA and INVESTOR LPA.
Users can override Adjustments including Base Price LLPA from Rate Change pop up.
For Non Del loans added following fields(Visible only to Company Admins) in Audit & Dates view as:
- Loan Cost
- Company Margin
- Net SRP
- Loan Revenue.
NON DEL: Loan revenue in Call Reports & Pipeline Reports (HOT-9913)
Following Fields are updated in Call Reports with respect to a particular Non Del Loan:
- Is Non Del Loan
- Final Points Amount
- Company Margin Amount
- Net SRP Amount
- Total Loan Cost
- Net Loan Revenue = Gross Loan Revenue - Pass Through Fee
- Gross Loan Revenue
AC600 | Net Revenue(Brokered Loan) |
AC610 | Net Revenue(Non Del Loan) |
AC1100 | Gross Revenue (Brokered + Non Del) |
Following fields are added to Pipeline Reports related to a Loan as:
- Final Discount Points
- Company Margin Amount
- Net SRP Amount
- Total Loan Cost
- Net Loan Revenue = Gross Loan Revenue - Pass Through Fee
- Gross Loan Revenue
- Broker/Non-Del Fee
NON-DEL: Generate Disclosures for VA and FHA loans via Doc Magic. (HOT-6398)
Users are now able to generate Disclosures for VA and FHA loans using Doc Magic.
Added Disclosure info under VA Loan > Disclosure Info which will show important data related to VA Disclosure generation.
FHA Info re organised based on HUD/FHA Addendum and Other Info.
Additional warnings added on Diosclosure setup related to VA & FHA Loans.
Moved Nearest Living Relative section to Disclosure info from VA Income Details.
Estimated first payment date calculation updates. (HOT-9757)
Estimated closing Date, Estimated Funding Date and Estimated First Payment Date are now mandatory fields.
Estimated First payment date is calculated field.
Add "Save & Next" and "Save & Add New" feature in Financial Info. (HOT-7484)
Provided "Save & Add New" option for Income, Asset, Liabilities and Real Estate.
Provided "Save & Next" option for Asset and Real Estate Agents.
Added download all documents on Client Needs (HOT-8148)
Added an option to download all documents from Client Needs view including esign documents.
Ability to clone a document set (HOT-7102)
Provided an option to clone a document set.
"Title to the property will be held in what names(s)" will be a drop down(HOT-6140)
Users are now able to re use custom client needs later into loan file.
Add AVM check on REO (HOT-9754)
AVM link is now available on Real Estate Owned (Current Market Value).