Redesign and Refactor Setup Options (HOT-5273)

File Contacts view is integrated with setup options for better management of loan, Users and Business Contacts.

All Features like Loan Description, Referral Contacts, Email Configuration, File Contacts Management and Pre-Approval Access are redesigned and will be managed from Setup Options.

New Feature: 

  1. Transaction Coordinator can now be linked to Real Estate Agents
  2. Transaction Coordinator can be authorised to generate pre-approval letters
  3. Each Real Estate Agent will have their corresponding URL's for the organisation they are working with
  4. Support added to configure custom URL for Real Agent Portal from Company Setting > Realtor Config

Updated Pre-Approval Limits:

  1. Max down payment will be an independent entity and no longer linked to purchase price nor loan amount
  2. Toggle added: "Always re-run Pricing & Eligibility for Scenario Qualification"
  3. Toggle added: "Allow Borrowers and Realtors to Edit Offer Address"

Email Configuration > Milestone Emails:

Users will be able to select multiple recipients for each milestone email

Users will have the option to add a custom recipient to each milestone email.

Redesign and Refactor Business Contacts (HOT-6777)

Additional contact types available: 

  1. Contractor 
  2. CPA
  3. Developer
  4. Estate Planner
  5. Financial Planner
  6. Insurance Agent 

New Feature: Users can now associate Transaction Coordinator with Real Estate Agents from "Add Business Contact"


Real Estate Agent Portal Refresh and Mobile (HOT-5273, HOT-7464, HOT-7493, HOT-7502)

  1. Revamped and Improved UI/UX for Realtor Agent Portal
  2. Added "Offer Address" field which is enabled/disabled from setup Options in LOS
  3. LO can enable/disable the pricing requirement in Setup Options for Pre-approve Me generation
  4. Loan Amount and LTV fields will no longer be editable by Real Estate Agents
  5. Simplified Monthly Payment Calculator 
  6. Added "View Pre-Approval Limits" for users to hover over and view the max limits set by LO
  • DTI Ratio
  • Purchase Price
  • Down Payment
  • LTV
  • Monthly Payment


Business Contacts - Ability to alphabetically sort contacts by contact name, company name and last updated (HOT-6372)

Enhanced user experience with the ability to sort business contacts by contact name, company name & last updated

Note: Now Real Estate Agent URLs will be specific to organizations. Old URLs will continue to allow access but will simply redirect the users to the new URLs based on associated organization they want to access.


Ability to set expiration date on pre-approval letter (HOT-6789)

Added the ability for the LO to set the expiration date on the pre-approval letter via pre-approval status dialog

The default expiration date will be 90 days post pre-approval generation

Note: Users need to reset their pre-approval template in order for this update to be visible on pre-approval letter

Ability to add multiple business contacts in setup options for a loan (HOT-6706 & HOT-6062)

Setup & Contacts enhanced to allow multiple business contacts to be added on a loan. This includes the ability assign multiple Real Estate Agents, Transaction Coordinators and Attorneys who are both buyer & seller

Ability to upload profile picture for business contacts. (HOT-7375)

Support added to upload profile picture of business contacts.

AVM link to Subject Property (HOT-7820)

Provide access to view the subject property's details in Zillow through AVM link on Loan & Property screen

Global Search: Toggle added to filter adverse & archive loans (HOT-7637)

Global search is improved to filter adverse loans and archive loans from search results

Loan Info Updates (HOT-7711)

  1. System will no longer default the loan amount and will allow the user to type the down payment & loan amount fields
  2. LTV field relocated to be adjacent to base loan amount on refinances
  3. Validation added for max loan amount [Max loan amount cannot be greater than appraised value] 
  4. Loan amount will not automatically update when user updates the purchase price or appraised value but the down payment percentage will automatically update  

Proposed Housing Expense: Added description for "Other" expenses (HOT-7644)

Optional description text box is added for "other" proposed monthly payment parameter

Purchase Credit: Description added for "other" source type (HOT-7614)

Other description dialog box available to user for additional details regarding "Other" source type purchase credit

Downpayment option to support fund source type (HOT-7361)

“Fund Source Type” added to the down payment sources and “other description” pop out box if user selects “Other” for “Gift” and “Grant” options.

Additional Fixes

Added a comment in Plans and Billing to advise that payments are non refundable. (HOT-7723)

Added a verbiage in Billing screen to advise that de-activating a user does not remove the seat from the charged subscription. (HOT-7724)

Feedbacks from Freddie-mac related to REO updates. (HOT-7932)

Print $0 fee on downloaded PDF for Initial Fee Worksheet (HOT-7361)

Fixed: Disclosure issue related to Broker NMLS for branches. (HOT-6960)

Fixed: Trigger P&I calculation when interest only flag changes (HOT-7994)

Fixed- Username with additional capital letters in user settings is not displayed properly in email templates. (HOT-7845)

Fixed: Company Setting issue where credentials showing for only regular user (HOT-7857)