Major Enhancements

Added support for loom and youtube videos plug-ins

Added support for loom and youtube videos in email previews.

Enhanced POS Base employment data capture (to be same as LOS)

Added separate buttons for adding employment and base income in POS 

Additional checkboxes added to Base Employment Income as 

  1. Seasonal Income 
  2. Foreign Income 
  3. Employed by a family member, property seller, real estate agent, etc

Added "country" option for POS borrower address 

Added option to add country for borrower address for POS.

Pipeline report enhancement for multiple Loan Team members for same role

Pipeline report now include multiple Loan Team members like Loan Officer , Loan Assistant and Loan Processors.

Update Node js to latest version LTS v14 and Angular to v12.2 for future API support

Arive done a major infrastructure update and moved to Node v14.

Arive done a major infrastructure update and moved to Angular v12.2

Additional Fixes:

Fixed: Milestone dates are not saving properly like Appraisal ordered. 

Fixed: Dashboard Loan officer filter fix for loan count. 

Fixed: Points/Credit handling on pdf quotes for non del loans. 

Fixed: Remove min/max compensation validation. 

Fixed: HOI/MI same color on quotes.