Major Enhancements
SRE Mortgage Alliance Live in Arive (Pricing and Registration)
SRE is now live with Arive with pricing and electronic registration.
New State Forms added - Arizona/Texas Pre Qualification Form
Arizona Pre Qualification Form
Texas Pre Qualification Form
New VA Forms added (Loan Disclosure Forms)
VA Certification of Benefit
VA Nearest Living Relative Statement
VA Child Care Statement
Right to Financial Privacy Act Notice
Select AUS/LPA to be used for underwriting
Provided an option to select DU or LPA for underwriting.
Enable/Disable LPA from user settings.
Provided an option to enable and disable LPA from user setting.
Added new fields to Pipeline Report
Pipeline Report in now more rich with newly added attributes as:
- Lead Source
- Referral Contact Name
- Referral Contact Email
- Referral Contact Description
- Loan Officer Assistant Name
- Loan Processor Name
- LOan Processor Email
- Split Borrower First Name and Last Name
- Base Price
- Points Adjustments
- Total Margin Adjustment
- Net Discount Points
- Pass Through Fees
- All Dates from Audit and Dates view
- HOI Ordered
- HOI Completed
- Title Ordered
Added Dynamic Columns in Report Section - Now User have option to select required column from drop down and export.
Edit support for Address input in Borrower POS Portal
Added edit option for all the address fields in borrower portal.
Edit option for manual products on result screen
Provided an option to update manual lender products directly from pricing view.
Prepaid/Reserve Fee : Allow user to change DAY/MONTH
Provided ability to update Days and Months on Review Fee screen.
REO- Show Income and Expense separately in case of primary residence.
Incase of Primary Residence Income and Liability will be shown separately.
LOS: Increase precision for housing expense
Increased precision for housing expense upto three decimal in loan info section
Support for Military Service : Projected Expiration date
Added support for Projected Expiration Date for active Military service in borrower section.
Enhanced YSP rules with Audit Feature.
Arive implemented Audit feature in YSP rules for tracking the changes.
Export YSP rules as pdf.
Now users can directly export/print YSP rules from Non - Del settings.
Added Support for min-max margin cap in YSP rules
Provided an option to bound YSP Rules by min max margin caps.
YSP rules at branch level
YSP Rules now support branch attribute.