In the Licenses tab of your User Settings, you will enter your Individual State Licenses. This is an important step, as if you don't have a license entered for a state, anyone applying for a loan on a subject property within that state will receive an alert in the POS that you are not licensed in that state.

To enter a state license, click the + License button. You will then be prompted to enter the License #, License State, the year that the license is valid through, and check the box that says "Authorized to Conduct Business?"

IMPORTANT: If you do not have the +License button, this means that your Company Admin has configured their settings so that only they can enter users' state licenses. Please reach out to your Company Admin.

You can edit existing licenses by clicking the pencil icon to the right on the appropriate row.  Similarly, you can delete a license by clicking the associated trashcan icon.

Some states may not require an individual license. If this is the case, please enter one anyway, with "0" or "n/a" as the License #.

Note: Individual State Licenses need to be entered by each user in their User Settings, Company State Licenses must be entered by the Company Admin in the Company Settings, and (if you are in a branch) Branch State Licenses must be entered by the Branch Admin in the Branch Settings. The "Not licensed in this state" message will appear if a state license is missing from (or expired in) any of these places.

If your Individual State Licenses are entered correctly and the "Not licensed" message is continuing to appear, please reach out to your Company Admin and have them confirm all state licenses are entered and up-to-date in their Company Settings > Licenses (and if you are in a branch, also reach out to your Branch Admin and have them confirm the Branch Settings > Licenses are entered correctly).

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