Minor Enhancements

Borrowers with the Same Email Address

There was a restriction on borrower email addresses to require uniqueness. We have removed this restriction and have provided an indicator for borrowers to select within the POS interface.

Allow Negative Income Amounts

Previously it was not possible to enter negative amounts for any income items. We have enhanced this experience so that users may enter negative income for "Other" and "Self-Employment" income types.

Bug Fixes

Housing Expenses Including Previous Rent Payments

There was an issue where rent payments on previous address for borrowers would be counted in Present Housing Expenses. We have corrected this so that these values will properly be excluded.

Cash to Close Summary on Review Fees Page

The floating Cash to Close amount on the save button previously was displaying Cash to Borrower as Cash from Borrower. We have corrected the label to display properly.

Data Overflow on FNM Exports

When exporting the FNM 3.2 file some data points were overflowing for the allowable number of characters. This was seen for the fields like employer name and the street address for creditors. For purposes of the FNM 3.2 export, we are now trimming these values to fit within the specifications for the FNM 3.2 file. This will resolve some issues when running DO.

Coming Soon

Enhanced ARIVE 1.0 Loan/Lead Migration Tools

We were targeting this the migration tool for this release but needed to delay due to the feature not passing our QA testing. You can expect this to be released very soon.

Company Admins will be able to utilize the following migration options:

  • Active Loans - Loans which do not yet have a Closed or Adversed Date in the CRM
  • Closed/Adversed Loans - Loans which have a Closed or Adversed Date in the CRM
  • Leads - All lead files from your company

Note: We will not be able to migrate your loan documents. You should be downloading any necessary documents from you loan files from ARIVE 1.0 now. If there is something you need after June 30th, please reach out to support with specifics.

NMLS Call Report

Users will be able to generate the NMLS Call Report for loans in ARIVE.Next. 

Flex Term Options in Pricing Engine

We will be enhancing the loan product filtering to include flex term options for lenders that offer these options.

Printing the Initial Fees Worksheet from Loans

Users will be able to print the IFW from the loan file -- removing the need of having to go to the pricing engine each time.

Reminder Emails to Borrowers in the POS

Users will be able to automate reminder emails for borrowers to complete client needs tasks and to complete unfinished applications.