ARIVE offers a seamless process for creating new loan files, providing users with two options: manually creating a new loan file or importing an existing 3.2 or 3.4 file. This guide will walk you through both methods.

To initiate the process of creating a new loan file, follow these steps:
  Click the "+ Loan" button located in the upper right corner of your pipeline.

Alternatively, you can click the blue circle with a white + sign in the top bar across the screen from anywhere in the system.

Manually Create a New Loan File

When choosing to manually create a new loan file, you'll be prompted to enter essential borrower information, including name, email address, and phone number.

The system will suggest possible matches with existing clients on the right side of the window. If applicable, you can click on a suggested match to auto-fill their information.

When creating a new loan file in ARIVE, you must choose the loan officer to whom the loan will be assigned. You can also assign processors, LOAs, and additional loan officers via the drop down menu.

Import a Loan File

Active Loan

To import an active 3.2 or 3.4 file, follow these steps:
Click the appropriate tab at the top of the window.

Click on "Active Loan" as the import type (Skip to step 3 if selecting "Import FNM 3.2 File")
You will have the option to drag and drop the file or "Click to Upload"

When importing an active loan in ARIVE, you must choose the loan officer to whom the loan will be assigned. You can also assign processors, LOAs, and additional loan officers via the drop down menu.

If you upload an active loan file that already includes the six key points of data to trigger TRID, a window will pop up alerting you of this. You'll be prompted to confirm that you have received the data. In this window, you can also edit any inaccurate information.

When all details are entered and verified, click "Create Application" in the bottom right corner. Your newly created loan file will then appear in your pipeline, ready for further processing. 

Closed Loan

To import a closed 3.4 file, follow these steps:
Click the "Import MISMO 3.4" tab at the top of the window.

Click on "Closed Loan" as the import type.
You will have the option to drag and drop the file or "Click to Upload."

Important: To import a closed FNM 3.2 file, you'll need to convert it to a 3.4 file before importing into ARIVE.

When importing a closed loan in ARIVE, you must choose the loan officer to whom the loan will be assigned as well as the app intake date and funded date. You can also select the TRID date, docs signed date, and whether the loan is a brokered loan.

When all details are entered and verified, click "Create Application" in the bottom right corner. Your newly created closed loan file will then appear in your pipeline.